January 21, 2025
Are you exporting with Ad Premier

Digital marketing offers many entrepreneurs the incredible opportunity to export their business model abroad and thus open up an international market without leaving their country of origin. For a company a little cramped between the borders of France, this possibility can initiate a real revolution.

You may not know it, but for several years now, Ad Premier has maintained this international spirit. Whether in the backgrounds and areas of interest of the members of our team or in the commercial relations that we develop, we are committed to offering our customers this openness to the world.

And those who have taken the plunge are not complaining!

Exporting your business is always a rewarding adventure. Beyond strategic development, it allows you to discover new ways of thinking, new consumption practices, new cultures in short.

So why take us in your suitcase when you go to conquer the world?

At least for these 4 reasons…


  • 1. To benefit from strategic advice
  • 2. To centralize your acquisition channels
  • 3. To break the codes
  • 4. To get real performance
    • Frequently Asked Questions
    • How can Ad Premier help businesses reach an international audience with their advertising campaigns?
    • What are the benefits of using Ad Premier to manage overseas advertising campaigns?
    • How does Ad Premier ensure effective management of international advertising campaigns for businesses?

1. To benefit from strategic advice

Top 3% of the best Google Ads agencies in France, Ad Premier is one of the French references in the field of web marketing. In recent years, we have had the opportunity to support more than 150 clients in their digital growth of PPC for Electricians, including some internationally and on several continents.

However, if the choice of regions of the world to which to export is obvious for some companies, in relation to their own itinerary, for others, it is vaguer.

Sometimes entering an international market responds to a need or a desire that is not directed to a particular country. If your activity in itself does not require you to choose a particular market, your choice will then have to be made based on the characteristics specific to each market. This is where an experienced partner can come in handy…

You probably suspect that the Ads environment changes from one country to another. The uses are not always the same. The costs sometimes vary in astonishing proportions. The competition is more or less developed. In short, the opportunities are different.

But do you know exactly what the respective opportunities of each digital ecosystem are?

We are starting to have a relatively precise representation of it and we would be delighted to discuss the issue with you!

2. To centralize your acquisition channels

This is what has been our strength for several years: versatility.

Initially, Ad Premier only did SEA. But we quickly realized that our customers felt the need to group together their various web marketing actions and to be able to entrust them to a single partner.

As our growth has enabled us to enlarge our team, we have therefore taken the opportunity to expand our range of skills. Today, Ad Premier has more than 20 experienced employees in its ranks, who have real expertise in the main areas of digital marketing:

  • SEA (Google, YouTube, Bing, LinkedIn)
  • SEO Content Writing Services 
  • Social Media (Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn)
  • Growth Hacking
  • Business development
  • UX and e-commerce

A real strike force when it comes to exporting an entire business model to a foreign market and ensuring that all growth levers work in the same direction.

Admit that, when you decide to internationalize your activity, you have enough things to manage not to have to take care of coordinating the various experts to whom you subcontract your marketing channels. In any case, this is our approach!

3. To break the codes

“Think different”: it’s not just the slogan of our hardware supplier… It’s also a leitmotif behind which we like to line up. Also, as soon as the opportunity is given to us to innovate, we seize it.

After winning the highly prized “Google Partner Premier” badge, for example, we decided not to rest on our laurels and to develop our expertise on Bing in parallel, when everyone swore by Google. Today, we are in the Top 10 French agencies on Microsoft Ads and this is a real asset in our acquisition strategies.

Reblotted in 2019: when LinkedIn was globally reduced to the rank of a social network intended to find a job, we launched Link Force , a B2B subsidiary dedicated to social selling on this platform . Two years later, the results are there and there are not many people left to deny the commercial potential of LinkedIn.

In short, innovation is part of our agency DNA and we are always looking for codes to break to remove the ceiling from our clients’ performance. That’s good, playing with the codes to move the lines is often a profitable approach when tackling international markets.

4. To get a real performance

30% less cost per acquisition, €20,000 more turnover after one month, 289% more monthly turnover over seven months of service: this is the kind of performance we fight for every day. And, believe us, we are hardly satisfied!

But these are just numbers.

The real performance is when you feel that your acquisition strategies have changed in dimension, that they have gained in professionalism and systematized the meeting between your value proposition and the needs of your target. Admittedly, when this is the case, the numbers usually end up following…

SO? United States, Brazil, United Kingdom, Spain (where Ad Premier is established), and Spanish-speaking America… Where are we taking your business this year? If you lack inspiration, our free audit may be able to help you…